The Group, makes it fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bench Dive on Wednesday

Here is everyone reminder of our Texas Hold em bench dive. You can see all the details in the original post below. Meeting at Gone Diving after 6pm. One table will be playing for a buy in.

Please let me know who is planning on attending so we can plan properly. I wonder who the card shark is going to be?


TTOCS said...

I'm ALL in.

a*m*a*n*d*a said...

I'll be there-- not sure if I want to play with the Sharks though? :)

Joshwaht... said...

If it's strip-poker, I'm wearing 8 pairs of socks, four shirts, 3 pair of pants, a hat... and no underwear.

I'm in. Hit me. What? Royal Flush, suckkahs!

PNW-DIVER said...

Had a great time tonight playing poker and watching Chicken Foot
cant wait till we try this again

Joshwaht... said...

Who won? I know I lost my pants.