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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Gman's Adventures

This is a post from Gman John. He left to South America for a few months. He will be giving us short updates via me.

dear charchar and scotzilla,

i made it safely to colombia and its been raining for a while, but we caught some sun breaks yesterday. the coffee is good, the hot betties are few and far between, i think we just have to find out where they are hiding. leaving for the santander region on monday for river rafting, waterfall repelling, horsy riding and getting drunk. hope the sale goes well, and the sports bar thing, and the lake whatcom cleanup. happy adventures to you all.


If you have comments or questions to send to him. Let me know and I will pass it on.


TTOCS said...

hey glad you are safe
no hotties? I guess you won't be diving:)

Joshwaht... said...

No hotties?

I heard Brazil is in South America. Maybe you should check there.