The Group, makes it fun.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I love me a sunny weekend.... and diving!

Alright folks - this is going to be one spectacular sunny spring weekend of the finest Pacific Northwest variety!
Sunday will find Group Gone Diving headed to Langley Tire Reef. Meet at 8am behind the shop to carpool. Please have all gear and tanks ready, as the shop will not be open. We are open 11-6 on Saturday if you need anything. :)
And if you wanna hang out after diving and enjoy the sun and some food, please feel free to bring a potluck offering.
And a very happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there. Yeah, y'all rock. Thanks!

1 comment:

Oregonian said...

I'm hoping this is an ok way to use this blog. If not, I apologize, please delete.

I'm hoping to hook up with some fellow divers in and around Bellingham. I'll be up there for a long weekend, June 24-27, and I don't have a dive partner. My sons can't make this weekend.

I've got about 100 dives total, have my advanced certification. I'd love a new dive experience when I'm up there anyways.

I hope this is OK.

Salem Oregon

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